We at Sierra Vista have been preparing for the next academic year, and we are looking forward to working together to ensure the smooth transition for all of our incoming 7th grade students and their families. As a reminder, only students who live within our attendance territory will be permitted to attend Sierra Vista next year. Those who live outside of our boundaries—including those Woodbury families currently attending Eastwood--will receive different communication from their next school.
Enrollment Notification
In preparing for your students’ arrival, it would be helpful to get as accurate a count as possible of who plans on attending Sierra Vista in-person next year, who plans on attending IVA, who is undecided, and who plans on attending neither one. Please use this link for responding before Friday, March 14th.
General Information
Important Dates
SVMS Virtual Tour
Course Information with Updates for ELA and Social Studies
Course Descriptions
Director of STEM, Bob Curley, provided a webinar detailing information on IUSD's Math Pathways so parents and students can be informed of math options in secondary education after moving on from elementary. To view that webinar, please click here.
English Language Arts
ELA will have mixed ability grouped classes again next year. Just like last year, we will receive feedback on each student's performance as a reader and writer so we can balance students based on their ability level so there is a healthy distribution of different learners in each classroom.
**All students will have the opportunity to earn Honors designation on their transcript if they meet the grade point average requirement communicated at the start of the school year on the course syllabus. Honors designation will be determined and captured on transcripts for each trimester.
Social Studies
Social Studies will have some placement changes for 2024-2025 as students will either be in our Honors World History course or our World History course with Honors option. Our aim is to provide rich experiences for all students and to give everyone access to Honors work and designation on their transcript. This shift will also allow us to make for a stronger program as we begin to implement Standards Based Grading and align practices more closely with our main feeder high school, Northwood.
Honors World History students will be required to participate in National History Day Competition-- a project that relies heavily on research, analysis, and creativity--and it will require students to demonstrate a higher level of mastery at a more independent level.
**Those enrolled in World History with the option of Honors will have the opportunity to earn Honors designation on their transcript if they meet the grade point average and National History Day requirement communicated at the start of the school year on the course syllabus. Honors designation will be determined and captured on transcripts for each trimester. For placement in the Honors World History, our criteria will be the following:
Students must meet all five criteria:
- Grade of “A-” or above in trimesters one and two of 6th grade Language Arts (reading & writing only). Grade of “B-'' or above in each trimester of Language Arts if a current APAAS student.
- Grade of “A-” or above in Social Studies for trimesters one and two in 6th grade. Grade of “B-” or above in Social Studies for trimesters one and two in 6th grade if a current APAAS student.
- Scores of 3 and 4 (Outstanding and Satisfactory) in trimesters one and two of 6th grade for Work Habits in Social Studies and Language Arts.
- Demonstration of mastery on a summative analytical writing assessment (a score of 85% or above).
- Assessed as an “outstanding” reader and writer on a three point scale (1–struggling, 2–average, and 3–outstanding).
Each student will be able to see on Parent Portal on Friday, April 26th at 3 PM if they are slated for Honors World History or World History (with Honors Option).
Elective Selection
Elective Options Trailer #1
Elective Options Trailer #2
NEW Elective Trailer: School Success (An AVID Elective)
Leadership Information and Application- Students interested in this class should read all information at this link to determine if they would like this as their first choice elective.
Science Olympiad- Students interested in this class should read all information at this link to determine if they would like this as their first choice elective.
Band and Orchestra Placement Information
Elective Selection Process (Incoming 7th Graders) THIS LINK WILL CLOSE ON APRIL 19th.
Special Education Information
SVMS SpecEd Parent Presentation
6th Grade Tour
6th graders will be visiting Sierra Vista on Friday, April 11th for an assembly and tour from 8:00 – 10:00 AM. Each elementary principal will send a message to 6th grade families regarding their plan for how students should get to/from Sierra Vista.
6th Grade Parent Nights
Access this slidedeck for an overview of information for the 6th Grade Parent Nights.