

Students are required by law to attend school regularly.  Every absence from school MUST be cleared by a parent or guardian.  Absences may be cleared by calling the 24-hour Voice Mail ATTENDANCE LINE (949) 936-6601 or by sending a note to the attendance clerk the day the student returns. Whether you call the attendance line or send a note, it is necessary to include the following information:

  1. student’s full name (spelling last name)
  2. date of absence
  3. specific reason for absence
  4. name of parent/guardian

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be seated in class before the tardy bell at 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. on late start.  Once a student arrives at school, he/she must remain on campus until dismissed. If the student is tardy to school, he/she is to report to the front office for a tardy slip.
Students coming from a medical or dental appointment must bring a note from the doctor’s office for the tardy to be excused. Unexcused tardies result in lunch detention, SARB referral, or other consequences.  
Excessive tardiness and absences will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

Make-up Work

Students will be given an equal number of days to make up work for the number of days they were absent. Students are expected to immediately contact a reliable classmate to find out about missed work.  

Determining what assignments were missed and making them up is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s.

Appointments off Campus

If you would like your student to be waiting in the front office for a scheduled appointment, a note must be sent with your student so he/she may be excused from class.  Students must be signed out in the office before leaving campus by a person listed on the emergency card.

Justifiable Absences

Students are expected to attend both in-person and independent learning days, and attendance  will be taken for both. Please make sure students attend required sessions during their at-home  days so they have access to their learning. Students who do not meet these expectations will be  marked absent and will be subject to all applicable truancy laws in the State of California.  

If a parent needs to excuse an absence for religious or cultural purposes, he/she needs to provide  written verification which the principal would review. Please remember to submit requests for  ALL religious holidays. We prefer collecting these verifications electronically through our  website. By filling out the form found here, you submit your “written” verification. Thank you!

Independent Study Contracts
Students may be interested in applying for an Independent Study Contract at various points throughout the year for a minimum of five days and a maximum of fourteen if they are away from school for a period of time.  Please click here for more information and should you ever want to apply for one, they must be completed--with the help of your child's counselor--at least five days before your student not being in attendance.  Thank you!