Help improve school work (organization, completing tasks/assignments, and study skills)
Respond to individual student/parent needs/questions
Core Counseling Curriculum taught to students using personal/social, educational, college and career goals.
Facilitate parent/teacher/student conferences
Coordinate Intervention Team Meetings for students who are struggling academically, personally, and/or socially.
Coordinate and facilitate Student Study Team (SST) Meetings
Student support liaison and case carrier for students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans
- Implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), which ensures all students have access to a comprehensive counseling program
Tier 1: Core Curriculum- Classroom lessons and School Wide Events (all students)
Tier 2: Intentional Guidance- Small group counseling (some students)
Tier 3: Individual Interventions- individual counseling and outside referrals (few students)