ASB Officers 2024-2025
President: Elle Vo
Vice President: Layla Sharifi
Secretary: Vanessa Nguyen
Treasurer: Phoebe Choi
Activities Director: Alejandro Gonzalez

“ASB is a great way to improve your leadership skills and make new friends!!” -Layla Sharif (Vice President)

“One little action like dressing up for spirit days can improve your overall middle school experience!” - Vanessa Nguyen (Secretary)

“Middle school is all about the fun memories and experiences that you make. Our student planned events are a great way for all students to have a chance to make friends and memories.” - Phoebe Choi (Treasurer)

"I encourage everyone to come to our lunchtime activities for some extra fun in their school day!" Alejandro Gonzalez (Activities Director)
How to get involved
Officer Elections
ASB President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary are voted into office in an election of their peers at the end of seventh grade for the eighth grade year.
Interested in joining ASB as your elective?
Incoming seventh and eighth grade Leadership Representatives are selected at the end of the school year when selecting electives. Please apply here. Please note space is limited.
Other Leadership & Community Service Opportunities
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Nondiscrimination Statement
The Irvine Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities including membership in student clubs shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status, or the exclusion of any person because of pregnancy or related conditions, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
The District does not discriminate in enrollment in or access to any of the activities and programs available. Admission to these programs is based on age appropriateness, class space, interest, aptitude, and prerequisite coursework where applicable. The lack of English skills shall not be a barrier to admission to or participation in the District’s activities and programs. The Irvine Unified School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.*
*The full Nondiscrimination statement can be found at and Board Policy 5145.5