Incoming 7th Grader Information

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Elective Selection (April 10th - April 21st)
Students will designate their top three elective choices so we can begin to build their schedules.
We strongly recommend holding off on submission until after the 6th Grade Parent Night and 6th Grade Tour.  Ultimately, all students must submit the Google Form by Friday, April 21st. Students need to fill out this form.  

6th Grade Parent Presentation 
If you missed the presentations, here's a link to the slidedeck.

Important Dates
This document holds important dates for Incoming 7th Graders as we prepare for the 2023-2024 school year.

Course of Study
This document describes the courses we are offering during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Class Placement
We have some similarities to our placement process and some changes from years past.  Here is what you need to know about our changes:
English Language Arts
ELA will have Mixed Ability Grouped classes next year.  Here is our rationale:

Educational research has proven that mixed ability grouping eliminates systematic barriers that may prevent certain groups of learners from accessing invaluable content.  Additional research consistently shows that classrooms of mixed ability students outperform those who are tracked (ie. Gen-Ed vs. Honors). In our ELA courses, students will practice the necessary skills to research, write upper-level essays, read complex novels, non-fiction and primary sources.  Students will also be prepared to give presentations and showcase their work in a variety of ways.  With this new model, our English classes will be smaller in size with strategic clustering of students based on multiple data points and feedback from their current teacher.

Students who previously were identified as “Honors” tend to continue to excel in heterogeneous classes and many times even outperform their tracked peers. Those students who come from non-honors tracking benefit from being engaged in higher order conversations and thinking. Everyone will also gain collaboration skills–inclusive of rhetorical flexibility–so students can solidify and clearly articulate their understanding of the learning targets as they focus on this most important lifelong skill they will use in college and career.  Any student wanting to choose more challenging assignments or participate in enrichment activities to enhance their learning will have the opportunity to do so.  

We will balance students and their ability level so there is a healthy distribution of different learners in each classroom.  To ensure a healthy distribution of students across classes, 6th grade teachers will appraise students on their abilities in the areas of reading and writing, and we will take that information and proportionally place students in English Language Arts.

Social Studies
Social Studies will continue placing students in Honors and Gen-Ed classes.  Please note that Honors students will be required to participate in National History Day Competition.  This is a project that relies heavily on research, analysis, and creativity.  For placement, we will continue with the criteria that was used the last several years for placing students in these classes.  

Students must receive a “yes” response in two of three measures in order to be placed in Honors:
1.  General Ed students must have an “A-“ or above grade in trimesters one and two of 6th grade Language Arts (reading and writing only).  APAAS students need a “B-“ or above.
2. The student must have demonstrated mastery on a summative analytical writing assessment during 6th grade.
3.  Teacher appraises student as an Outstanding reader and writer. 
Each student will be able to find their next year’s placement on the Parent Portal on Friday, April 28th at 3 PM.  
Social Studies Appeal Process
If a student/parent wants to appeal Social Studies placement, this Google Form must be filled out by Friday, May 5th at 3 PM.  From there, our team will use multiple data points and may follow-up with teachers for writing samples and/or for further insights.  Placement will be determined and communicated with parents by May 12th.
Timeline for Placement

April 28th: Social Studies Placement Visible on Parent Portal at 3 PM
April 28th – May 5th: Social Studies Appeal Window Open
May 12th: Social Studies Appeal Notifications sent

In preparing for your students’ arrival, it would be helpful to get as accurate a count as possible of who plans on attending Sierra Vista in-person next year, who plans on attending IVA, who is undecided, and who plans on attending neither one.  If you are receiving this email, you are currently slated for coming to Sierra Vista.  If your child is NOT attending Sierra Vista, please email your child's school and cc so we can make changes in our records.  Thank you! 

Caring for Your Child Before They Arrive on Campus
Our Sierra Vista Team of admin and counselors will be meeting with your children's teachers in the coming weeks.  The purpose of these meetings is to give us invaluable information about your students so we can be best prepared for their unique personalities, strengths, and needs.  We place students at the heart of everything we do, and we want you to know that your kids are in good hands!