The Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) is fortunate to have outstanding schools serving high school students. The District has an Intradistrict/School Choice Board Policy that allows parents who reside within district boundaries to request for their student to attend an IUSD high school that is outside of their attendance area.
You may identify your assigned school by accessing the school locator map found here School Locator and entering your address. Your student will be enrolled in your assigned high school unless you pursue the Intradistrict/School Choice option.
Families wishing to pursue Intradistrict/School Choice for the 2024-25 school year must make a request during the lottery window which begins at 8:00 a.m. January 8, 2024 and closes at 4:00 p.m. on February 2, 2024.
Note: Portola High School is only open to requests for siblings of concurrently enrolled Portola High School students for the 2024-25 school year. Portola High School is closed to general Intradistrict/School Choice requests and any requests made for Portola High School without a concurrently enrolled sibling will not be considered.
Note: If you would like to request San Joaquin High School (IVA) for the 2024-25 school year, please submit this request through the school choice process as described above. This process is to request full time enrollment at IVA.
If you would like to request a school other than the school to which your student has been assigned, please follow these steps by submitting a request through your Parent Portal:
Click on the banner titled: The 2024-25 Intradistrict/School Choice lottery window is open
Under the Student Info tab, click on School of Choice Requests
Review the Parent Acknowledgement and Instructions
Click on Create New School Choice Request
Complete the request and SAVE
There will be a one-to-one exchange based on a random and unbiased lottery that will take place after the Intradistrict/School Choice request deadline. This process creates an ordered interest list of students at the participating schools. The lottery does not account for extenuating circumstances or specific reasons for the request and it is not based on a first come first serve basis.
You may log into your Parent Portal account to view the status of your request. Due to the high volume of requests received, we are unable to provide status updates regarding a request.
Siblings of students who are currently enrolled in a choice school must apply for an Intradistrict/School Choice transfer. Siblings will be given priority at their school of choice, if space is available, providing the student resides within IUSD attendance boundaries. Sibling requests must also follow Intradistrict/School Choice steps and adhere to the same February 2nd deadline.
Below are considerations for Intradistrict/School Choice:
students in special programs will be approved for transfer only if the receiving school has the capacity to provide the appropriate program or service;
parents may only request one school other than the school to which they are assigned;
space must be available at the requested school;
some schools with lower enrollment may be able to accept additional students beyond the one-to-one exchange;
high school placement is based on home address and high school attendance boundaries, not on prior middle school placement;
parents must provide transportation to the requested school.
Notifications will be sent during the month of February, 2024 via email to parents/legal guardians who submitted an Intradistrict/School Choice request during the lottery window.
Families do need to be aware that moving students between schools impacts staffing. For this reason, families must adhere to their school of choice, if approved.
For our incoming 9th grade students, to help facilitate the transition from middle school to high school, each of our five comprehensive high schools will be hosting 8th grade Family Night in the spring with information to be announced at a later date.