Registration 8/14

August 14, 2018


Tuesday, August 14th

Registration Day will get you and your child prepared for the upcoming school year. All students will have their picture taken , receive their ID card, receive their tentative course schedule, may purchase P.E. clothes, yearbooks, and SVMS Dance Party Pass, PTSA memberships, and will pick up their Charger Planner and more. You won’t want to miss the action!


PRIOR TO REGISTRATION DAY, Registration forms will be available via Parent Portal starting August 6th.  You must complete the online Data Confirmation BEFORE you can complete the in-person registration on August 14th.  You must also bring a completed Health & Information Card AND Ticket to Registration before you can register.

Schedule for Registration Day (Tuesday, 8/14)

Helpful tip: Bring a bag or backpack to carry PE clothes, other items, and important papers.

7th Graders

(by Student LAST name)

8th Graders

(by Student LAST name)

A - M 8:30 - 10:00am

A - M 12:30 - 1:30pm

N - Z 10:00 - 11:00am

N - Z 1:30 - 2:30pm


Unable to attend Registration Day on August 14th?

Make-up Registration: Please complete this LINK if you will NOT be available to attend Registration Day on August 14th.  Late Registration will begin August 16th.  Additionally, you will need to bring all the registration materials to the front office between 8 AM - 3:00 PM  (Office will be closed between 12 -1 pm).  

If you do not plan to attend Sierra Vista Middle School, please call the school at

(949) 936- 6600 as soon as possible.