

Some exciting news! IUSD and OCPL (OC public Library) have teamed up to give our students easy access to the Overdrive collection through OCPL.

Here are the tutorials for: 

Currently we still have "classic view" Overdrive as an option mainly because the simple login only works in this mode. In current situation, users should go tp the Sora view and use individual logins. Overdrive for IUSD houses high interest single user licensed fiction and some non-fiction. Will be adding some PD titles for teachers/staff here as well. 

This will give our students a way to add the public  library for ebooks and audiobooks even if they do not have an OCPL card. As adults, you will want to use the Libby app with your public library card. This does not connect you to the IUSD collection but it will give you access to adult content. If you connect to OCPL through Sora, you will be limited to the JU and YA content in OCPL.

Additional titles/copies are being added. Except for the Project Gutenberg titles, licenses in Overdrive are single user licenses.
